Foundations is a community of children from ages 3-11.
God's words are so profound that they can lead the most intelligent men into theological gymnastics and so simple that it can be gleefully enjoyed by the most innocent of children. On Sunday mornings, a group of people lead the children of our church to learn and to understand the truth of God's word in its beauty and simplicity. We love children and we believe the greatest gift we can give them is the love of God.
"Jesus said, 'let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19.14
Matthew 19.14
Foundations gathers together on Sundays at the 10:30 am service in the First Floor, DBF Centre.
Creche (for babies) and feeding room is available from 9 am - 1 pm on the 3rd floor of DBF Centre every Sunday!
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